aptitude test
It is a very pressurizing decision for students to determine the university and the course that they wish to pursue. In addition to this, it can be even more exasperating to be sure of a decision, but not being backed up by others. Or vice versa.
Among this multitude of key decisions that need to be made, what is overlooked is often the most important determinant. At Holistic Learning, we believe that each child is born with a set of talents that they hone, and others that learn from scratch at school and through other mediums.
When looking at patterns, students are significantly more likely to be both satisfied and successful at their eventual careers if they pioneer in something that they are both interested in and are likely to excel at.
For this exact reason, we have a range of psychology tests that we suggest for students based on which we help them understand themselves and their interests better. Coupled with their past academic and co-curricular performance, it helps us help the students make a well-informed decision.
We have experts who sit students through the entire counseling process, not only in the form of prospective destinations and universities, but more importantly to help determine the path students would like to pursue.
These tests include a basic IQ Test, spatial intelligence tests, the MBTI which is used by various Multinational Companies at the time of hiring, the Enneagram and a set of others which are determined on a need basis. These typically include a list of careers that often correlate with the interests and special abilities of each personality type. Our experts help budding pioneers to comb through these lists in a manner that they reach a fully informed outcome – even if it poles apart from what one would generally expect.
We shall be happy to help with any additional details, please contact us and we shall get back in touch shortly.